For Reviewers and Bookish Influencers

It is a truth universally acknowledged,
that an author whose name is on published books
must be in want of reviews and publicity.
I am no exception.

Hi there! Thank you so much for your interest in my books. Since you’ve found your way to this page, I’m assuming you’re interested in review copies and/or PR goodies.

I do not currently have an open ARC signup — I’m in a writing phase right now — but you’re welcome to request a review copy of any of my currently available books. I’m also happy to add your name to my list to be considered and notified when I have future opportunities for digital ARCs and/or mailed goodies.

Review Copy Policy (published ebooks)

Reviews are always appreciated but never required. I believe in honest reviews without limitation.

For review copies of published titles, you do not need to let me know if or when you post a review, or if you decide to DNF, or if you’re unable to get to my book(s) for any reason. Review copies are a gift to you with no strings.

Please tag me if you would like me to interact with social posts about my books or your review(s).

If you want to chat with me while reading, my Sweethearts Discord server is the best place to do that — I have a dedicated channel for each book.

To combat piracy, all ebook review copies will be provided via BookFunnel, and watermarked visibly and invisibly with your email address.

Review Copy Policy (digital ARCs)

Reviews are always appreciated but never required. I believe in honest reviews without limitation. All star ratings are valid, and I do not expect anyone to hold back critical reviews during the launch phase.

For digital ARCs, if you will not be able to post a review within two weeks of the release date, I would appreciate a brief note letting me know your updated timeline, but this is not required.

If you decide to DNF without reviewing, finish reading but feel you can’t leave a review, or you have to move the book to your TBR indefinitely due to life circumstances, that is also fine. I would appreciate a brief note letting me know that you will not be able to review it at this time (no reasons or explanation are needed — you don’t have to tell me if it was a DNF or reveal your private life circumstances), just so I know you haven’t forgotten and aren’t ghosting me. Again, not required, but appreciated, particularly if you’d like to be considered for future ARCs. Being unable to review one ARC will not be held against you in the future — life happens!

If you have a concern which you feel should be addressed prior to publication (from big things like sensitivity and representation issues to small things like continuity / timeline glitches and typos), I absolutely welcome private feedback (contact me).

Please tag me if you would like me to interact with social posts about my books or your review(s).

If you want to chat with me while reading, my Sweethearts Discord server is the best place to do that — I have a dedicated channel for each book.

To combat piracy, all digital ARCs will be provided via BookFunnel, and watermarked visibly and invisibly with your email address.

Mailed Goodies Policy (print books & PR packages)

My primary requirement for sending print books, swag, and/or PR packages (“goodies”) is this: you have read, loved, and enthusiastically reviewed at least one of my books. If this isn’t you (yet), consider requesting an ebook review copy of one of my books so you can see if we’re a good fit for each other.

I do not care about numbers of followers and likes and views on your social platforms. If you read romance and are building a positive and actively engaged community of readers, no matter how small, I’m interested. Invite me into your spaces and show me that I want to be a part of what you’re building. I am more inclined to send goodies to someone I’ve connected with and interacted with in the social spaces where promotion takes place.

Be a Sweetheart! Join my Facebook group or Discord server (or both) so we can get to know each other. Preference in receiving goodies will absolutely be given to Sweethearts over strangers.

Any conversation about fees for promotional services needs to happen before I ship any goodies to you, and be confirmed in writing. I recognize that building a bookish community takes time and effort and skill, and asking to be compensated for professional labor is fair; however, this needs to be stated up front by you before I agree to ship anything to you. If monetary compensation is not discussed in writing, in advance, I will assume that the goodies I send are a sufficient reward for the promotional labor offered.

Please note that as mailed physical goodies are primarily promotional in nature and have a substantial cost to provide, I do expect at least one social media post showing the item(s) you receive. Please tag me or send me the link to the post so I can react to it, share it, etc.

Reviews, of course, are always appreciated but never required. I am aware that sending goodies does not entitle me to a review of any included book from the recipient and will not influence the recipient to review any book more positively than it deserves.

Shipping within Canada and to the United States is most feasible for me, but a limited number of goodies will be available to overseas addresses. In some cases, I may need to ship your book directly from a printer in your region and mail a smaller parcel with a signed book plate separately.

Request Form

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