The Dreaded Photo Shoot

The Dreaded Photo Shoot

I’m not someone who avoids cameras. Hey, I’ll even take the occasional selfie for Instagram. But my last author headshot was over three years old, and… I don’t want to be, you know, the author who walks into an event and has everyone whispering “She looks a lot...
But Am I Newsworthy?

But Am I Newsworthy?

I love getting newsletters from writers. Why? I’m not absolutely sure. Maybe it’s because newsletters give, instead of asking or taking: they come with content just for me (well, not just for me, but for the mailing list members), and I’m not...
Social Reading Sites & Name Twins

Social Reading Sites & Name Twins

Name twins. Such a problem for authors. Since you can’t reserve or trademark your name at birth, there’s a chance — a good chance, if your name isn’t an odd one — that another person out there shares your name and your literary ambitions. Maybe more...

Staking My Claim

Okay. I’m a bit stunned that more authors don’t set up their Amazon author pages and claim their books. You can do this as soon as you have something published and available for purchase on Amazon — yes, even in an anthology where your story is one of...

Reading On Camera

Back in November, the contributors to Evil Girlfriend Media’s Stamps, Vamps & Tramps anthology were asked if we’d each be willing to record a short excerpt from our stories… on film. Not safe and easy voice podcasts, but video recordings....

When You’re Someone Else’s Job

As an author, at some point (unless you do absolutely everything yourself) you’ll be someone else’s job. At least, your manuscript, or your cover, or your e-book formatting, or your marketing plan, or… something of yours will be on someone...